Thursday, June 28, 2012

Analogy and Homology

Homologous Trait

The Crocodile
Crocodiles are the more biologically complex reptiles despite their prehistoric look.Their diet consists mainly of small mammals, birds, fish, crabs, insects, snails, frogs, and occasionally carrion. A crocodile has a long, pointed snout. Some of its lower teeth are exposed when the jaw is closed. It is olive-green with dark cross bands on the back and tail. The skin is protected by large bony plates. The crocodile has a heavy tail, short legs, and webbed hind feet. They  use their tails mainly to guide them through the water while paddling along with their webbed feet.

The Whale 

Whales have sleek, virtually hairless bodies that taper from head to tail. They are different shades of black or grey.Whales balances itself and steers with its flippers, or forelimbs.The flipper bones are similar to those of the foreleg and hand (or forefoot) of land mammals, but have been modified for water living. Their diet consists of krill, plankton and small fish.

Homologus Trait
The common homologus trait that is shared between the whale and crocodile is the whales fins and the crocodiles webbed feet. The differences in there structure is the crocodiles webbed feet has a longer humerus then the whales fin and also the whale has longer phalanges then the crocodile .The whale uses its fin to swim and keep balance. The crocodile uses its webbed feet to swim also but it also uses it to walk on land. These homologus traits exhibit differences between the whale and crocodile because one can use its traits for both water and land and the other can only use it for water.
Common Ancestor
A common ancestor would have to be a mammal. It would have to be a mammal because, every mammal has either fins or webbed feet.

Analogous Trait
The Hawk
Hawks have a wingspan of over four feet, with broad, and rounded wings. Its diet is mainly small mammals, but it also includes birds and reptiles. Prey varies with regional and seasonal availability, but usually centers on rodents. They are usually brown or golden. 
The Moth
Moths are insect closely related to butterflies. Moths tend to have thick hairy bodies and more earth tone colored wings. Butterflies and moths have a highly developed sense of smell. The legs are long and slender and can be used only for crawling and their two wings the fore wings and the hind wings, consist of membranous tissue supported by a network of tiny hollow tubes called veins.  Moths eat  nectar, aphid juice, and water.

Analogous Traits
The common analogous trait that a hawk and a moth share is their wings. The hawk and moth use there there wings to fly. The difference is function is of coarse the hawks bone structure is longer but it has less bones in its wings then a moth does. The moth has two set of wings and also has a more complex bone structure then a hawk does.

Common Ancestor
A common ancestor that a hawk and a moth can have is a mammal or an insect. I would say more of a mammal because moths do have very similar functions as a hawk which is a mammal. Also the patterns in both hawk and moths wings are very similar I think that happened because of there adaptation. Just like the evolution of the pepper moths and how over time they adapted to their habitat I think hawks also adapt to their environment and start to have traits that will help in its habitat just like its color and patterns on its feathers.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Protein Synthesis

My Alternate Code:
What's my decode?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Influential Individual of Darwin's

Jean-Baptiste Lamark


Contributions to the Science Community

Jean- Baptiste Lamark was one of the first biologist who experimented with plants and saw a difference in traits. He also published a book titled Natural History of Invertebrates (1815-22) which was about his work on invertebrates. He differentiated eight-legged arachnids from six-legged insects, and echinoderms such as starfish and sea urchins from crabs, shrimp, and other crustaceans. His book till this day is considered his most important contribution.Lamarck is best known for The Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics even though it was disproved.

Points Influenced By

  • Organisms with better access to resources will be more successful in their reproductive efforts.  
            This point influenced Lamark because he believed with his giraffe experiment that the giraffe with longer       necks were the only ones who would be able to survive.
  • If the environment changes, the traits that are helpful or adaptive to that environment will be different.  
            This point influenced Lamark because he believed with the environment the species are in they will eventually adapt to there surroundings and there for have traits that will help for survival. 
  • In order for traits to evolve and change, they MUST be heritable. 

          This point influenced Lamark because he believed that the traits weren't automatically going to be visible when the species were in a different habitat but that gradually they will change in shape or form where they will be able to have resources, shelter, and water to reproduce.

Influencing Darwin

I think Lamark does influence Darwin with his ideas. Without Lamark's ideas and observations Darwin couldn't have added on to it with his observation about the birds he observed on Galapagos Islands. Darwin is very much influenced by Lamark and his observation yes not everything Lamark theorized was not scientifically correct but some of his ideas were correct in some way and were later on corrected. In someway I do believe Darwin could have still theorized Natural Selection because his observations with the finches were scientifically correct and his theories were also true. But then again without Lamark's key ideas Darwin wouldn't have had hypothesized this theory.

Church VS. Darwin

The churches attitude towards Darwin affected him because everything scientific wasn't biblical and anything that was biblical was against the church. For example Galileo's theory or  I should say fact that all planets revolve around the Sun and that the Sun does not revolve around the Earth. That theory was not biblical which the church was very much against. But in Darwin's case he was very much afraid of publishing his book Origin of Species because then the church may refuses to accept the theory and may disprove of it.